Definition of Shy away from

1. Verb. Avoid having to deal with some unpleasant task. "I shy away from this task"

Generic synonyms: Avoid

Definition of Shy away from

1. Verb. to avoid, evade ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Shy Away From

shwartzman phenomenon
shy-drager syndrome
shy away
shy away from
shy bairns get noot
shy bairns get nowt
shy bladder
shy bladders
shy person
shying away
shying away from

Literary usage of Shy away from

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Birds of North Americaby Jim Roetzel by Jim Roetzel (2007)
"Honeymoon Island, Florida Oystercatchers shy away from other shorebirds while nesting or feeding along northeastern and mid-Atlantic beaches, ..."

2. Views on Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Proceedings of an African by Catherine Cross (2007)
"... recent discussions about harmonising regional instruments have tended to shy away from facilitating movements, but rather put forward new measures to ..."

3. The Inspiration of Responsibility: And Other Papers by Charles Henry Brent (1915)
"... rather than our enemies, from which we need emancipation, we are going to shy away from the disagreeable and menacing side of things, under the delusion ..."

4. Counterfeiting of U. S. Currency Abroad: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on edited by Spencer Bachus (1999)
"They therefore shy away from direct and open confrontations with the US Were it made clear to Tehran that the US will retaliate — that is, go beyond the ..."

5. Land Or Peace: Whither Israel? by Yael Yishai (1987)
"Neither party's Knesset strength was very attractive, but Peace Now did not shy away from Ratz or Shinui; it simply declined to forge strong, enduring links ..."

6. Heroes of Destiny Episode I: Eternal Knights by Kevin Wong (2006)
"... since Kevin often had that exact effect on Launa with his sly and witty sense of humour. Besides, Kevin was not one to shy away from telling a good joke ..."

7. Birds of North Americaby Jim Roetzel by Jim Roetzel (2007)
"Honeymoon Island, Florida Oystercatchers shy away from other shorebirds while nesting or feeding along northeastern and mid-Atlantic beaches, ..."

8. Views on Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Proceedings of an African by Catherine Cross (2007)
"... recent discussions about harmonising regional instruments have tended to shy away from facilitating movements, but rather put forward new measures to ..."

9. The Inspiration of Responsibility: And Other Papers by Charles Henry Brent (1915)
"... rather than our enemies, from which we need emancipation, we are going to shy away from the disagreeable and menacing side of things, under the delusion ..."

10. Counterfeiting of U. S. Currency Abroad: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on edited by Spencer Bachus (1999)
"They therefore shy away from direct and open confrontations with the US Were it made clear to Tehran that the US will retaliate — that is, go beyond the ..."

11. Land Or Peace: Whither Israel? by Yael Yishai (1987)
"Neither party's Knesset strength was very attractive, but Peace Now did not shy away from Ratz or Shinui; it simply declined to forge strong, enduring links ..."

12. Heroes of Destiny Episode I: Eternal Knights by Kevin Wong (2006)
"... since Kevin often had that exact effect on Launa with his sly and witty sense of humour. Besides, Kevin was not one to shy away from telling a good joke ..."

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